Warts are skin growths due to various subtypes of human papillomavirus (HPV). Anyone may be affected, though people with slight deficiencies or immune system suppression are predisposed. The virus can be spread through skin-to-skin contact.

Wart removal is possible in a variety of ways- from simple topical applied medications that are not painful (typically used in children) to liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) to various modes of laser and surgery, as well as injections (immunotherapy).

Combining therapy in the doctor’s office with at-home treatment can significantly hasten wart removal (saving patients time, money, and expensive office visits!).


Dermatologist Wart Removal Regimen

This is the regimen I typically recommend for treating resistant warts on the hands or feet. (if no allergies or contraindications.)


1. Shower or soak the affected area in warm water to soften the skin at night. Apply over-the-counter salicylic acid cream or salicylic acid plaster. (If your doctor has prescribed you Aldara — a cream that stimulates the immune system — you may use that instead of the salicylic acid). Then, cover with duct tape or bandage overnight.

2. In the morning, remove the cream and file the wart with an emery board or pumice stone.

3. Re-cover with medicine and bandage, then leave throughout the day.

4. Research shows that an extra zinc supplement (approximately 10 mg/kg) can help fight the wart virus. Occasionally, zinc may cause nausea. Tareen Dermatology recommends starting zinc at around 60 to 120 mg daily and gradually increasing until you reach your targeted body weight goal OR nausea occurs.

Contact Tareen Dermatology to learn more about wart removal treatment or to schedule an appointment.

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