At Tareen Dermatology, we offer various options for skin growth treatment and removals.

Cysts, Lipomas and Milia Removal

A cyst, lipoma, or milia are encapsulated lesions filled with dead skin cells. These lesions can range in size from very tiny to quite large and can appear anywhere on the skin.

There are several methods your provider can use to remove these cysts. Most commonly, a process called extraction is performed. When cysts are growing, itching, irritated, and painful or appear infected, it is medically necessary to perform this time of removal. See the FAQs below for more information on insurance coverage and costs. 


 A keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue. Keloid growth can be triggered by any skin injury. Body piercings, burns, hair removal, insect bites, acne, and more can all cause a type of raised scar known as a keloid.

Keloids form from collagen. Collagen is a protein found throughout the body that is useful for healing wounds. When the body produces too much, this is when keloids can form.

Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are typically small, benign skin growths that are most often found on areas of the skin where clothing runs against the skin or where there is skin-to-skin friction. For example, the neck, armpits, groin, and eyelids are the most common places where skin tags can occur. See FAQs below for pricing information on skin tag removal.

Inflamed Keratosis

An inflamed keratosis is simply a benign skin growth that has become irritated over time. These rough, hard, crusty lesions often itch, bleed, or rub on clothing. They are also referred to as inflamed seborrheic keratoses.

Because inflamed keratoses may continue to grow, itch, or bleed, our providers may suggest treatment of the lesion. There are some options for the removal:

  • Liquid Nitrogen – A small inflamed keratosis can be frozen with liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen works wonderfully for these lesions because it freezes and destroys the superficial inflamed cells but leaves the deeper, normal cells intact. The frozen keratosis forms a blister as the water is released from the now-dead cells then crusts over as that water dries. When the crust falls off after several days, the skin underneath has begun to repair itself.
  • Shave -Inflamed keratoses may also be removed after numbing the skin and superficially shaving them off. The lesions are very superficial, so the skin heals quickly after the shave procedure.
  • Laser or Hyfercation: In this procedure, a laser or electric device lightly treats only the superficially inflamed skin cells. This procedure may be used for facial inflamed keratosis.

Atypical Inflamed Keratoses

Sometimes inflamed seborrheic keratoses can be very difficult to distinguish from melanoma type of skin cancer. Inflamed keratoses can have irregular border, color variation, and asymmetry throughout the lesion. Do not hesitate to call our office if you are concerned about any skin lesion. More importantly, if our providers diagnose and treat an inflamed keratosis and it does not resolve, please give the office a call.

We offer skin growth removal for cysts, lipoma, milia, skin tags and more. Schedule an appointment at any of our locations.

Patient Testimonials

“I had a pilar cyst on my scalp that was painful and irritating whenever I brushed my hair. It kept growing, and I finally came to the Tareen team to examine it. I was so happy that it was in a location where they could painlessly remove it! I can now brush my hair without pain and do not feel as self-conscious worrying about that lump anymore.” – Sara 


Will my insurance cover a cyst extraction?

If you would like to check with your insurance provider for the out-of-pocket cost of cyst extractions the codes are:

  • When you have just one cyst or milia use code – extractions single, 10060
  • When you have 2 or more cysts or milia use code – extractions multiple: 10061

For smaller cysts, located on the face, prior to the extractions the skin will be cleaned and commonly a light microdermabrasion will be performed to allow gentle removal of the dead skin cells. Your provider will then use gentle pressure to evacuate the contents of the cyst. After the procedure, your skin will be a little red. You may have light flaking for a few days.

If our office recommends a light, exfoliating chemical peel prior to your extractions you will want to discontinue any topical (creams, gels, lotions) acne medications for three days prior to your procedure.

For larger cysts located on the body, the location will be cleaned and sterilized and a very tiny incision may be made into the skin. Your provider will then use pressure and medical tools to loosen up and remove the contents of the cyst. You may be placed on topical or oral antibiotics for several days after this procedure.

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