No! There is no downtime or external injury to the skin. A person can return to work or reapply makeup immediately following the procedure. The full face or neck can be treated in just 30 minutes. There is an immediate pinking effect that subsides with the first hour after treatment and there is no peeling, flaking or swelling.
The new dermal collagen that is produced becomes part of the structure of the treated skin, and thus Laser Skin Tightening can produce improvements in skin which lasts for years. GentleYAG skin tightening is so powerful that new collagen production can continue several months after the treatment. Most people report improvement immediately with even more dramatic results weeks later.
New collagen growth results in continued skin tightening and the development of a more youthful complexion with fewer lines, folds, and looseness of the skin. Continued exposure to the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun will result in breakdown of both existing and new collagen over time, so it is very important to protect your results with limiting sun exposure, using a high-SPF sunblock, and maintaining a healthy and scientifically sound skin care regimen.
Yes! It can be used to treat any body part that may benefit from softer, smoother skin quality, wrinkle reduction, improvement of pore size and texture, or elimination of ace scars. The GentleYAG can provide beautiful firm skin on the face, neck, chest, upper arms, legs and other body areas with no downtime and without the need for potentially dangerous numbing creams.
Clinical studies suggest that 4 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart in most cases will produce a significant increase in dermal collagen, remodeling of dermal matrix components, and a resulting improvement in overall skin tone and vitality.